Merus® ESS – Energy storage system
Merus® Energy Storage System is a scalable lithium-ion battery energy storage system fully designed by Merus Power.
Hydropower as an emission-free source of renewable energy provides efficient electricity generation around the world all year round in all weather conditions. In contrary to wind and solar energy, hydropower does not suffer from the intermittent nature and inherent limitations of its resources. This makes hydropower an especially efficient way to produce energy. However, such flexible electricity production does not come without its own challenges and problems.
At a typical hydropower plant, everything happens mechanically. When frequency changes in the power grid, the hydropower plant’s job is to respond to it as fast as possible, preferably under a second. This happens by adjusting the turbines and control vanes and the distance of their movements, which can take up to minutes. Changes in supply and demand for electricity has a major effect on the frequency, thus it can change countless times a day. By constantly moving and adjusting the mechanical parts their lifetime decreases considerably along with the life cycle of the hydropower plant as a whole. Operation costs skyrocket and more frequent service and maintenance is needed, which most of the time means emptying the dam completely.
Merus® Energy Storage System is a scalable lithium-ion battery energy storage system fully designed by Merus Power.